Writing for Recovery: Daily Exercises for Reflection
As a therapist in private practice specializing in the addiction field, I’ve noticed clients who read and write not only learn more about themselves but tend to stay sober longer.
You can’t just stop an activity but must replace it with something healthy and positive. As a result, I've compiled this 365 day list of daily journaling exercises (i.e. questions to answer or tasks to do) for each day of the year.
If you’re intimidated by writing, don’t be. I’ve made this as simple as possible by asking you to either think and answer one question for the day or do the recommended task. You can write as much or as little as possible but the key is to not self-edit but instead let it all out as a means of catharsis and healing.
The goal is to learn to embrace solitude and the inner thoughts that arise since addicts have long learned how to suppress, hide, or deny their thoughts and feelings.
While some of the questions pertain to sex addiction, this daily journaling exercise can be used for other addictions by replacing sex with the person's drug of choice.